Uniform distributions are the simplest to understand: every point in the specified shape (a cuboid, or ellipsoid, or sphere hull) is equally likely to be chosen for the property.
Distributions can be changed by right-clicking on the respective property of the Particle System in the Property Inspector (click on the name, e.g. "velocity").
The following uniform distributions are available:
Cuboid, Plane & Line
Cuboids are the base for planes and lines. Just scale one or two axes (respectively) to zero.
![Cuboid Distribution](webp.php?s=dist_cuboid.png)
![Cuboid Distribution with sy = 0](webp.php?s=dist_plane.png)
![Cuboid Distribution with sy = sz = 0](webp.php?s=dist_line.png)
Sphere Hulls
![Sphere Hull Distribution](webp.php?s=dist_sphere_hull.png)
Spheres can be transformed into circles by scaling one axis to zero.
![Sphere Hull Distribution, circle outline](webp.php?s=dist_circle_outline.png)
Sphere Volume
![Sphere Volume Distribution](webp.php?s=dist_sphere_volume.png)
Sphere volumes can be transformed into circles as well.
![Sphere Hull Distribution, filled circle](webp.php?s=dist_circle_inside.png)
Spheres and Cuboids can be rotated as well.
Gaussian Distribution
There is also the Gaussian Distribution, which has a smooth falloff to all sides and looks more natural.
![Gaussian Distribution](webp.php?s=dist_gaussian.png)
Constant Value ("Distribution")
If all values should be the same, you either can set the size to zero, or use a Constant Distribution.
![Constant Position ('Distribution')](webp.php?s=dist_constant.png)
The origin, size and rotations of the distributions can be animated using the Graph Editor. Switching between different shapes is currently not possible on the timeline, so a property can have only one type.
To create these images, I set the initial velocity to zero, and applied the distribution to the initial position.
Created: 08:17, 04. Jan 2021; Most recent change: 17:57, 16. Sep 2023